
FWD Financial Fortune

Ensure a stable investment, move forward in your life

Available to buy via:

  • iFWD
  • FWD Agents

Meaningful protection value


Safe and stable investment


Online purchase process

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Learn more about this plan
Get to know this plan
What and how we pay out
What and how we pay out
Protection benefits

Late-stage cancer

10 times your annual premium

(Up to 30% of the sum assured)


The benefits for Late-stage cancer will only be paid once within the policy period. The maximum total amount payable for this benefit for an insured person, across all valid insurance policy of ULP product with FWD, is 2 billion VND.

FWD will pay Late-stage cancer benefit if:

  • Cancer is not a pre-existing condition; and
  • The insured person is still alive at the time of cancer diagnosis by a Doctor; and
  • Symptoms and signs related to cancer and diagnosis must occur 90 days after the Effective Date of the contract or from the latest Reinstated Date (for contracts with Reinstated feature) or the date when the new Sum Assure becomes effective (applicable only for increase coverage).

For details, please refer to Section 8.1.1 – Product terms & condition

Total and Permanent disability (TPD) or Death

[Higher amount between Target premium account value and Sum assured] + Excess premium account value

The policy will be terminated upon payout of TPD benefit or Death benefit.


FWD only pays TPD benefits if it is not a pre-existing condition.

For more details, please refer to Section 8.1.2 - Product Terms & Condition

Total and Permanent disability (TPD) income support
  • Total and Permanent disability insured event occurs within 18-60 years old: 100% Sum assured.
  • Total and Permanent disability insured event occurs out of 18-60 years old: 50% Sum assured.


This benefit will be paid when FWD accept the payment of TPD benefit as stated in Section 8.1.2.

For more details, please refer to Section 8.1.3 - Product Terms & Condition

Investment benefits
Crediting interest rate earned from Universal Life Fund

Since inception, the Policy account will earn interest according to actual performance of our Universal Life Fund and this will not be lower than our guaranteed interested rates.

Please refer to the product terms & conditions for more details on our guaranteed interest rates.

Regular loyalty bonus

Every 3 years, from Year 3 to Year 18, we will give you a regular loyalty bonus:

Regular loyalty bonus = Bonus rate (%) x The accumulated interest from your Target premium account value during the review period

Bonus reviewing period: each 3 years, from Year 1 to Year 18.


During each reviewing period, the following condition must be met:

  • Policy remains in-force;
  • Target Premium is paid fully every policy year; and
  • No withdrawal made from the Target Premium account during the review period.

For more details, please refer to Section 8.2.1 and 8.2.3 - Product Terms & Condition

Special loyalty bonus

At Policy year 10, customer will receive a special loyalty bonus equal to 100% annualized target premium at inception.


During each reviewing period, the following condition must be met:

  • Policy remains in- force;
  • Target Premium is paid fully every policy year; and
  • No withdrawal made from the Target Premium account during the review period.

For more details, please refer to Section 8.2.1 and 8.2.3 - Product Terms & Condition

Policy maturity benefit

Customer will receive Policy account value at Policy maturity date.

Additional benefits
Well-being benefit

You will receive a meaningful gift which is equal to 20% Sum assured (but not exceed 500 million Dong) at the Policy maturity date.


The Well-being benefit will be paid when the Policy maturity benefit paid

For more details, please refer to Section 8.3.1

Non-lapse guarantee

During the first 3 policy years, provided that all Target premiums of basic plan have been paid fully in due (including the case that EPA is used to pay for Target premium) and no partial withdrawal from TPA, the basic plan is guaranteed to remain in-force even in case of Target Premium Account is insufficient to cover monthly Cost of insurance and Admin charge.


The Non-lapse guarantee benefit is applied if the following conditions are met within the first 3 policy years:

  • All Target premiums of basic plan have been paid fully in due and; no partial withdrawal from Target Premium Account
Automatically increased sum assured without Health underwriting

You can request to increase the sum assured at the following key milestones without any health exams:

  • Getting married; or
  • Having a baby or adopted children; or
  • Your child(ren) starting primary, secondary, high school or university
Flexible features
24/7 e-withdrawal

This gives you flexibility and control over all financial needs. With just a few simple steps on your phone, without any charges, you can withdraw money from your insurance policy anytime, anywhere:

  • Step 1: Access to Customer Portal – FWD 24/7 E-withdrawal
  • Step 2: Enter the amount to withdraw, and your receiving account
  • Step 3: Enter transaction confirmation code

Benefit of FWD Care Critical Illness insurance 2.0

What we’ll cover you for
How much we’ll pay (as a % of the sum assured)

Benefit of FWD Care Critical Illness insurance 2.0

What we’ll cover you for
How much we’ll pay (as a % of the sum assured)
Cover for 80 critical illnesses from early-stage
Early-stage diagnosis of 33 critical illness conditions
50% of the sum assured
Diagnosis of critical illnesses (47 conditions)
100% of the sum assured


  • We pay for up to two early-stage critical illnesses within two different critical illness categories.
  • The maximum total Critical illnesses from early-stage paid on all valid Policy with FWD of each Life Assured (LA) is VND 250 million/LA (under 18 years old), and VND 500 million/LA (18 years and above).

For more details, please refer to Section 1.1.1 - Product Terms & Condition

Multiple payouts if needed

We pay for up to two early-stage critical illnesses within two different critical illness categories

We continue to pay out if your illness then progresses to late-stage or upon a different diagnosis of late-stage critical illness


  • FWD will pay the CI after deducting the early-stage CI which is the same type of the paid early-stage CI
  • The total amount paid for CI and the early-stage CI does not exceed 150% of the sum assured.
  • The maximum total Critical Illness benefits paid all valid Policy with FWD per LA under 18 years old is VND 2.5 billion.

For more details, please refer to Section 1.1.2 - Product Terms & Condition

Enhanced cover for late-stage diagnosis of common cancers

Male-specific cancer: liver cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer

Additional 50% of the sum assured

Female-specific cancer: breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer


  • This benefit will be paid when the LA is diagnosed with Late-stage cancer and approved for payment by FWD in accordance with Section 1.1.2 of Product Terms & Condition.
  • The total amount paid for this benefit and the benefit in Section 1.1.1 and Section 1.1.2 of Product Terms & Condition shall not exceed 200% of the sum assured.

For more details, please refer to Section 1.1.3 - Product Terms & Condition

Benefit of FWD Care Accident insurance

What we’ll cover you for
How much we’ll pay (as % of sum assured)

Benefit of FWD Care Accident insurance

What we’ll cover you for
How much we’ll pay (as % of sum assured)
Comprehensive protection against accidental risks
Bone fractures
2% to 30%
Max 100%
Organ injuries
10% to 20%
25% to 100%
Permanent dismemberment
5% to 100%


  • In case the same accident causes different injuries: FWD will pay for all injuries as set out in the benefit detail.
  • In case the accident causing an injury: The total benefit paid does not exceed the percentage of the sum assured covered in case of undergoing surgery.

For more details, please refer to Section 1.1 and Section 1.2 - Product Terms & Condition

Protection up to 300% of the sum assured against accidental loss of life
Accidental death while traveling as a passenger on commercial airplanes
Accidental death while traveling as a passenger on public transport
Accidental death due to other causes


Benefits paid for Accidental injury, if any, will be deducted prior to death benefit or doubled to cover the increase benefit.

For more details, please refer to Section 1.1 and Section 1.2 - Product Terms & Condition

Double protection for your loved ones

We’ll pay double if you (the main life assured) and your spouse both pass away as a result of the same accident.


This benefit will be paid when FWD approves the payment of the death benefit.

For more details, please refer to Section 1.2 - Product Terms & Condition

Important information

FWD Financial Fortune

1. FWD shall not pay protection benefits if the insurance event is the direct or indirect result of any of the following:

  • Suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane within 24 months from risk commencing date or policy reinstatement date, whichever is later
  • Illegal Act committed by the Life Assured, the Policyholder or any beneficiaries. In case there is more than one Beneficiaries and one or some of them committed Illegal Act(s) against the Life Assured directly or indirectly resulting in the insured event under this Policy, the Company shall still pay an insurance benefit to any remaining Beneficiaries according to the ratio indicated by the Policyholder in the Insurance Policy.

For details, please refer to Section 8.1.5 - Product Terms & Condition

2. Customers have an obligation to fully, honestly and accurately declare all the information required to be declared. In the event that you intentionally violate the obligation to declare truthfully or intentionally declare false information or do not declare important information, at any time FWD may terminate the application form or approve the application form with additional conditions.

Important information includes, but is not limited to, health status, occupation, income that if FWD knows, FWD will only accept the application form with condition or accept application form with a higher premium or not accept application form.

For details, please refer to Section 2.2 – Product terms & condition

3. Customers have 21 days from the date of receiving the Contract for the first time to consider whether this Contract is suitable for your needs or not. During this period:

  • You need to review the entire Contract, including the information of the Insured and the Policyholder stated in the Certificate, the application form to ensure that all information is recorded fully and accurately. You need to inform FWD immediately if you find any information that is not recorded fully or accurately for timely adjustment.
  • You can request to cancel the Contract in writing to FWD or through the forms and electronic applications provided by FWD, in case you decide not to continue maintaining the Contract, and receive back the initial premiums paid, without interest, after FWD deducts any health examination fees and any amount that FWD has paid to the Policyholder, if any

For details, please refer to Section 3.1 – Product terms & condition

Critical illness rider & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Rider

The not-so-small print

Before you commit to any plan, it’s important you know what you’re buying and understand the details. So click below to view our jargon-free, easy-to-read terms and conditions – and ensure you have a quick browse of the brochure too. If you have any questions, simply get in touch.

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